Procedure to create SEO Friendly Web Pages/websites.

Following steps are involved for creating SEO friendly web-pages or websites. 

  1. Utilize keywords in all parts of your content.
  2. Employ header tags.
  3. Clean up your URL structure.
  4. Include Anchor Text in Your Links That Is Keyword-Rich.
  5. A mobile-friendly website should be used.
  6. Use images optimization techniques.
  7. Ensure that your web pages load quickly.
  8. Promote Your Content on Social Media.
  9. Employ Google Tools.
  10. Organise and tidy up the website code.
  11. Integrate Links.
  12. Make the title tags and meta descriptions more effective.
  13. Use pictures and videos to make the content more engaging.
  14. Regularly update your content.


  1. Creating SEO-friendly web pages is essential for better online visibility, and tools like rookie sideloader can streamline the process. Thanks for the great tips; they'll definitely come in handy!

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